Should you pause your immigration application till the end of coronavirus crisis?

March 21st 2020 in Residency, Citizenship
Should you pause your immigration application till the end of coronavirus crisis?

Coronavirus is ruling life. Everybody is shocked, doubtful and does not know what to do now.

Residency or citizenship seekers, like you, hesitate and postpone the decision and also the application.

"I'll come back once the situation is over"


"Let us postpone the application till the situation is cleared"

are the typical messages of recent days.

The instinct in us says "Stop!". Like when we are in a life-threatening situation, and we get stuck and paralysed. Of course, we can just go with gut feelings, follow our instincts, – or we can use our common sense.

It is easy to see the time after the coronavirus The instinct in us says "Stop!". Like when we are in a life-threatening situation, and we get stuck and paralysed. Of course, we can just go with gut feelings, follow our instincts, — or we can use our common sense.

It is easy to see the time after the coronavirus — at least from an immigration point of view. The vast majority of residence or citizenship seekers suspended their activity during the crisis. They did pause together, and they will start and apply together as well.

Imagine the situation of the national immigration offices. They were overloaded even before the crisis. A couple of countries reported even several months of delay in the processing of the applications.

What will happen when hundreds or thousands of applications arrive at the same time? What a delay will result in the processing time?

The simple, common-sense advice is the following: Use your time to find the best option and apply before all others apply.

We haven't closed our office. We are here to assist you in finding the best residency or citizenship solution. We can start with the paperwork immediately and file your application as soon as possible.